‘Busy Doing me… #SONOTSORRY’ Happy World Wellbeing Week 2020!

sofragrance Admin
26 Jun , 2020

#worldwellbeingweek could not have come at a better time! Since we’ve been in lockdown, we’re definitely guilty for having way too much screen time scrolling Instagram, rehearsing TikTok and not to forget - those back to back zoom calls.

While working and studying from home, it can be difficult to ‘switch off’ at the end of the day, and we’re feeling it. Especially when all of your gal pals are furloughed *rolls eyes*. It’s key to take care of you both physically and mentally EVERY day, so here’s our top tips to taking care of yourself:

1. TREAT YO’SELF. Need we say more? I mean, you’re saving a helluva lot on your oyster card right now, so it’s excusable. Not to be totally biased, but we’ve just launched a special limited edition pamper box just for the occasion of Wellbeing Week. So…….

2. The nail bars are closed and so it’s time to level-up girls, learn the art of giving yourself a manicure. They might not compare to the usual claws that make you feel sassy, but you’ll feel better for it.
3. Have a virtual holiday. So…? Limited Edition, Ibiza in a Box is the staycation you’ve been searching for. Bringing a slice of Ibiza straight to your doorstep - glitter and all, helping you get ready for a social distance rave with the girls! #BeefainABox
4. Get outdoors. Now that we’re able to do so, soak up the sun (safely of course). Go for a walk to recharge your body.
5. Glow up Loading… It’s time to schedule those transformation hours to feel brand new again. For your glow up essentials, check out our So…? Summer Glow Box, to give you the holiday feels, even if we can’t leave the country with everything you need for a fakation, so you can ooze a summer glow. 
6. Switch up your personal style this summer! If there was ever a time to reinvent yourself, it’s now. Why not try pairing your style with a chosen scent too? We’re all about those style x scent vibes.
7. We’re subscribing you to a big dose of TLC. Take a bath with So…? Sorry Not Sorry Moo’d Bath Milk & So…? Sorry Not Sorry Soak it Up Bath Milk - those peach extract bubbles transport you to a mental tranquility. Screenshot our pamper Bingo below and cross off your self-care sesh as you go.

P.S. Don’t forget to tag us at @sofragrance #sonotsorry on Instagram!

World Wellbeing Week 2020 is from Monday 22nd – Friday 26th June, but really hun - take care of you all year round cause you’re a Queen and deserve it.

Love, So…? Fragrance






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  • Posted On July 25, 2022 by khaled

    حجر هاشمى هيصم
    معرض صور حجر هاشمى
    واجهات منازل حجر ابيض ازازي

  • Posted On July 25, 2022 by altheqa

    ديكورات حجر هاشمي
    ارضيات حجر بازلت
    ديكورات حجر هاشمي

  • Posted On July 25, 2022 by altheqa

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    تعرف على اسعار الحجر الهاشمى فى مصر باشكاله المختلفه

  • Posted On July 25, 2022 by khaled

    سعر حجر هاشمى هيصم وطريقة تركيبه
    تصميم جدران المنازل بالحجر الهاشمى
    لماذا واجهات حجر هاشمى تكلف اموال كثيره

  • Posted On July 25, 2022 by altheqa

    معرفه اسعار حجر هاشمى اليوم فى مصر
    روعه الحجر الفرعونى فى الديكور المنزلى
    واجهات الحجر الفرعونى فى مصر وتركبيها باقل الاسعار

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