So…? Nostalgic
Take us back to simpler times, with dial up internet and The Spice Girls on the radio! This week we are feeling nostalgic and rewinding the clock to the naughty 90’s and the early 2000’s. There are so many trends that are creeping back into style that scream nostalgia.
1. Baggy is back Baby!
Say goodbye to tight fitting jeans and say hello (again) to wide-leg and straight leg jeans. As much as we may have loved skinny jeans, I think we can agree that they weren’t always the comfiest. Last years ‘sweatpant-year’ has reinforced the whole comfort is key vibe.
2. Overall Everything!
A fab trend from the 90’s (and I think we can also thank Mamma Mia) that has made a reappearance is the overall. Now, they didn’t really go anywhere, but they weren’t exactly the height of style, but that is changing, and the perfect pair of overalls can be dressed up and dressed down
3. Scrunchies all day, everyday!
Who remembers the episode of Sex and The City with the scrunchies? Well if you don’t here is a quick recap: Carrie is dating a writer who is writing a book about a New York woman and she wears scrunchies and Carrie points out that a New York woman would never be caught dead in a scrunchies, oh how times have changed.
Now, we can't talk about nostalgia without mentioning the fragrances and scents that we still love to this day and always bring back such wonderful memories. Have you ever put on a perfume and you're instantly transported to a memory associated with that scent? Well, we have made it so easy for you to travel back with our So...? Nostalgic collection.
Love SO...?
I have taken time out to thank Dr Excel the ancient herbalist who cured me from herpes virus with his herbal medicine that he sent me to drink, the cold sores were gone just as I started drinking the herbal medicine and I’m completely cured from the virus after testing negative severally. Get to know abt Dr Excel today on his web!! https://excelherbalcure.com
I would never have believe that cold sore herpes virus can be cured with ancient herbal medicine because I just tested negative for the second time since I finish drinking the medicine a herbal doctor sent to me, all the sores and blister were gone immediately I started drinking the herbal meds. visit this herbalist called doctor excel on his website. https://excelherbalcure.com
This post is everything! Your styling advice is super useful. I recently wrote about affordable fashion trends—would love to hear your thoughts Jessica Davis Black Jacket
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Hello everyone I want to share my experience with herpes cold sores, I got diagnosed of Herpes virus after having the sores and blisters,’ but recently I came across dr excel profile on Quora, an ancient traditional herbalist who I contacted for cure and he prepare and send me a herbal medicine to drink for straight one week morning and night. The cold sores and blister disappeared immediately and I tested negative to the virus a month after. Get to know this ancient herbalist on his web: https://excelherbalcure.com
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